Hearing Answers On Wind Farm Noise

For anyone interested in exploring low-frequency noise and infra-sound associated with wind farms, I’ve prepared a video podcast on the issues. It’s a series of five short session (between 5 to 7 minutes each) presented by pharmacist George Papadopoulus, dealing with almost two decades of his experiences with and research into low frequency noise at a number of wind farms across much of Australia.

The first session - Sounds of Silence? - deals with George’s initial experiences with wind farm noise in 2005. In the second episode - Hearing More - George relates the experiences of others with infrasound, especially in the Crookwell area in Central NSW. In Episode Three - The Bigger Picture - George tells of his ten years as a travelling pharmacist, visiting wind farms throughout NSW, Victoria and South Australia, hearing peoples’ experiences of wind farm noise. The fourth session - Digging Deeper - discusses research and methodology failings in this important issue. And finally, the last episode - Is Anybody Listening? - deals with matters of mental health linked with wind farm noise around the Canberra area.

Anyone dismissing low frequency noise and infra-sound linked to wind farms should take in this podcast. George poses intelligent questions in a rational approach to a subject sorely needing that sort of approach.

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