In a snapshot ...

Stay abreast of the lastest information and news on 'Key Projects' in our area.

MAY 2024

After 3 extensions, Vestas response to submissions expected end of June 2024

We are pushing hard for an opportunity to respond, given the significant changes to the project – traffic route etc.​

It will be really important for the community to have an input if we get this opportunity.

Traffic Route for OSOM Vehicles​


No longer using Oxley Highway (State road) for OSOM.

Now using … Thunderbolts Road (Local council road) from Uralla to Walcha, past Showground, then East.

Resources – Quarry

A new quarry has been sited on Bark Hut, with Vestas expecting to extract One Million Tonnes of material

Vestas are claiming to be able to extract, from the single quarry:

Resources – Water

Vestas are drilling test bores to locate water on the project site.

With a project appetite of 200ML (conservative estimate), this equates to around 30 times the average annual consumption of a livestock property in Walcha.

We are concerned about the impact on neighbouring water resources.

Community Benefit Fund

(VPA or Voluntary Planning Agreement)

This has not yet been signed off by both parties, but Vestas has described this as $1mill at start date, then $750 annually.

We are concerned about the security of this arrangement, and would prefer to see an up-front payment, as per recently approved projects, (Yanco Delta etc.)

As a comment, we still concerned about the concept of a bucket of money, being lobbied for by community groups, changing the culture of a capable and independent community, with self-sufficient sporting and community groups. Is it a gift, or a curse?

Why is an upfront sum so important?

Security of payment. It is forthcoming immediately and can be used to fund projects, with confidence.

For example, income from a term deposit could be used to fund a number of permanent staff at Riverview if the Council take over this facility.

This cannot be done with certainty, with payments that are unsecured from a developer that is 3rd or 4th in line in the ownership of the project.

MAY 2024

This project is now owned by Origin Energy.

We have been unable to meet with Origin Energy at this stage, but hope to in the next few weeks, to understand their motivations, timelines and intentions etc.

We understand that staff from Walcha Energy have been retained as the community engagement team. Will anything change?

After the 4th delay, we are expecting to see the Scoping Report for Ruby Hills “at the end of the quarter”.

MAY 2024

We are aware that Mint Renewables are prospecting in the Topdale/Flags area for a wind project.

Once again, we encourage neighbours to talk to each other to maintain their community.

The developer MO, is to talk to possible landholders, one at a time, to single out support, and to keep others in the dark.

They will indicate that it is happening all around you, and that you may as well join in.

We urge you to STOP! And talk to your neighbours.

© 2024 Voice for Walcha