Have your say, You must LODGE A SUBMISSION BEFORE Monday 4th November.

For tips on how to do this, go to the end of this page


Vestas, Copenhagen Infrastructure + WalchaWind


118 (October 2024)





Winterbourne Wind have finally dropped their Amendment Report, as part of the Response to Submissions, after over 18 months and 5 extensions.

We have gone through the (over 2800+ paged) documentation, and we have a summary of concerns below.

We will continue to compile more lengthy comments on this page over the coming days.

We want to help our community ensure that all concerns with the project are heard by NSW Planning and the developer, so that if the project proceeds, its negative impacts are minimised.

View Winterbourne Wind Project page prior to October 2024

Our findings thus far ...

The project is too big

1. Construction period has been extended from 30 months to 52 months.

2. Workforce of 390 during construction period.

3. 1655 over-size over-mass vehicles and their escorts to travel down Thunderbolts Way from Uralla and out to the project over 20 months (peak project).

4. Source of Resources (gravel and water) is still not known. It is still unknown what construction material will be able to be sourced from the onsite gravel and the suitability of the water is still unknown.

5. Cumulative Impact – the date for commencement of construction has been pushed back to the end of 2026 and construction will continue for 52 months.

The Project is in the wrong spot

1. The closest turbine is approximately 6km from the Walcha township. Projects should be at least 10km from Walcha, as proposed in the Planning Departments Draft Guidelines.

2. Access to the project for construction vehicles is going to severely impact the local businesses and community of Walcha.

3. Biodiversity Impacts are still at an unacceptable level as a result of the location of the project in an extremely sensitive area adjacent to the World Heritage Area, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park and Wilderness areas.

4. Vehicle access to the project is via 31 intersections with the Walcha local road network. 10 of these intersections do not have the required sight distances (ie. They are not safe).

5. Light project traffic will be coming through the middle of town via Fitzroy St and Derby St potentially endangering pedestrians and local traffic.

6. Unacceptable risks to road users in the project area including school buses.

The Developers do not have the support of the Community

1. Engagement by Winterbourne Wind has been ineffective and the wider community have not been made aware of the changes made to the project. To date, they have not addressed the community regarding the Response to Submissions despite 74% of Walcha LGA objections to the original EIS.

2. There is still no decommissioning plan or bond. Winterbourne will self-assess and put together a decommissioning plan 5 years before the project will need to be decommissioned.This leaves the landholders and the community at risk of abandoned wind turbines at the end of the project life.

Trust placed in the hands of an untrustworthy organisation.

1. Many of the mitigating features of the project rely on the self regulation of activities by Winterbourne Wind. This would be adequate if there was a prior demonstration of professionalism, respect for community, and ability to adhere to rules and regulations.

2. The Community Benefit Fund (VPA) operational payments don't start until the project is ‘fully commissioned’. They can progressively commission turbines and have the option of building the project in stages, so it could be many years before the community sees any money beyond the first payment, and certainly not before 2030.

3. On numerous occasions, Winterbourne Wind have shown a complete disregard for rules, or an inability to adhere to them;

3. Many of these mitigating factors of the project, that are to be self regulated by the proponent, relate to safety of community members on the road, as well as dealing with decommissioning obligations. They also relate to the safe and responsible care of valuable biodiversity in the region during construction.

If an organisation is unable to properly deal with these requirements BEFORE determination, they will be even less motivated to deal with them properly AFTER approval.

Watch this space for updates

We encourage all residents of Walcha to make a submission to the amended Winterbourne Wind project.
If you have not done this already, please set aside some time to do so.

The Submission period is from Tuesday 8th October until Monday 4th November

To have your say on this document, you must log in through the NSW Planning Portal
BEFORE Monday 4th November.

View Winterbourne Wind Project page prior to October 2024

Project Timeline

February 2022
December 2022
Ocober 2024

© 2024 Voice for Walcha